Key Features Simple to set up and use. The Optical Mouse has 3 programmable control buttons and wheel button for scrolling the texts. New product price is lower than exchange product price. Item not available at this location, please try another pincode. Buying the Logitech USB optical mouse from Snapdeal at the lowest cost will be useful for saving money. Thank You for submitting your response.
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Logitech Mouse M - USB - Black - Ban Leong Technologies Limited

An array of photodiodes detects the surface while moving and acts according to the input. Update your profile Let us wish you a happy birthday!

You will feel comfortable for using the mouse even for hours. Thank you for your interest You will be notified when this product will be in stock. Select texts with ease, track objects on the screen with pin-point precision all the while moving the cursor around smoothly. The images represent actual product though color of the image and product may slightly differ.

Logitech Lotitech USB 2. Return form will be sent to your email Id: Buying the Logitech USB optical logotech from Snapdeal at the lowest cost will be useful for saving money.

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Logitech Mouse M105 – USB – Black

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Let us wish you a happy birthday! What happens when I have an item in my cart but it is less than the eligibility threshold? Quick links Product Type: Skin care Face Body. New product price is lower lkgitech exchange product price. The Mouse will fit in the hand for a complete usage with the optical tracking technologywhich helps the faster performance of the mouse.

Logitech M USB Wired Optical Mouse - Black | Souq - UAE

Your item has been added to Shortlist. It does not even matter which is your dominant hand as the design has ambidextrous features. Ergonomic and ambidextrous design The wired mouse has a curved ergonomic shape with the right proportions to allow your hand to gently rest on it in a comfortable position.


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